Fonette 100 PA

Plant Growth Regulator


Fonette 100 PA

Plant growth regulator containing active ingredient Ethephon 100 g/L. It is red paste use to increase the production of latex on rubber plant.

Available in Packaging :

500 mL

  • Plant Growth Regulator
  • Rubber Plant
  • Superiority

    ● Reduce the labour cost for rubber tapping

    ● Prevent the infection by fungus and bacteria on the tapping flow for faster tapping lession recovery

    ● Increase the latex collection and reduce the frequency of rubber tapping

    ● Less rubber tapping period reduced the risk of brown bask disease on rubber plant

    ● Prolong the rubber plant production age if combined with proper fertilization

  • Specification


    :  Clear colored paste


    :  Spesific

    Flash Point 

    :  N/A


    :  1,07

    pH Value

    :  1,9 – 2,0


    : Not Easy to Explode


    : Corrosive to Metals

  • Instructions for use

    Crop :

    Rubber Plant

    Target :

    Increasing Latex Production

    Dosage :

    0,5 g/L/Tree

    Time and Method of Application :

    ● Interval of Fonette 100 PA application is 15 days

    ● The best application method for the 100 Pa Fonette is done using the groove application method, namely by pulling out the sap on the tapping panel (Scrap) then applying the 100 Pa Fonette evenly to the tapping groove. 

    ● Fonette 100 PA must be diluted first by mixing 1 part of Fonette 100 PA with 3 part of clean water

    ● Smear the solution using appropriate paintbrush on tapping flow approximately 4 ml per tree