Fungo 80 WP



Fungo 80 WP is contact and protective fungiscide containing active ingredient Mancozeb 80%. It is formulated as yellow wettable powder to control many plant fungal diseases.

  • Fungicide
  • Chili
  • Superiority
    • Containg essential micro nutrients Zinc and Manganese for supporting plant growth.

    • Anti clog  formulation, readily form a suspension in water. The spray dilution has good dispersing on leaf or plant stem.

    • Broad spectrum effication and good protection from plant fungal diseases. 

    • Can be tank mixed with systemic fungicides to delay fungal resistance. 

    • Can be used for many crops.

  • Specification
  • Instructions for use
    • Dosage:

      • 40gr/tank 20L or 2.0 grams/Litre of water.

    • Time and Method of Application:

      • Application method: High Volume Spraying.

      • Time of Application: Apply immidiately when early symptoms found. Use Prima-Boost 400 L for sticking agent during rain season.