Prima-Clor 75 WP



Prima-Clor 75 WP is contact fungiscide containing active ingredient Chlorothalonil 75%. It is formulated as greyish wettable powder to control fungal diseases on potato and many other horticulture crops.

  • Fungicide
  • Potato
  • Superiority
    • Prima-Clor 75 WP has protective action, protect crops from disease by inhibiting of fungal grow.

    • Prima-Clor 75 WP can be tack mixed with sistemic fungicide to prevent and delay fungal resistance.

    • Prima-Clor 75 WP formulation has high quality spreading agent  and sticking agent, for perfect spreading and sticking on the plant leaf surface.

    • Rainproof formulation, protect crop during rain season.

  • Specification
  • Instructions for use
    • Dosage:

      • 40gr/tank 20L or 2gr/Litre of water.

    • Time and Method of Application:

      • Application method: High Volume Spraying.

      • Time of application: Apply immidiatelly when early symptom found.