Non-selective post emergence herbicide containing 3 active ingredients Atrazine 180 g/L, Mesotrione 40 g/L and Nicosulfuron 20 g/L. It is formulated as white oil dispersible to control common broad leaf weeds, grasses and sedges in corn cultivation.
Available in Packaging :
250 mL, 500 mL & 1 L
Selective Action
Does not interupt cornd seedling grow
Proven to control borad leaf weeds, grasses and sedges also prolong the weed seeds dormancy
Grass Class Weeds (Cynodon dactylon, Echinochloa colona)
Teki (Cyperus rotundus)
Dosage :
2 - 3 L/Ha (equal to 70 ml/tank 16 L With Spray Volume 500 L/Ha)
Time and Method of Application :
High Volume Spraying on soil surface applied at 7-15 hari after seedling. (weed condition 2-3 leaf stage). Tank mix with Prima-Boost in every application.